
Membersihkan rambut dengan lembut, meredakan kulit kepala kering pada saat yang bersamaan.

Cara Menggunakan Sebamed Everyday Shampoo

  1. Basahi rambut dengan air hangat.
  2. Tuangkan sedikit Sebamed Everyday Shampoo ke telapak tangan.
  3. Ratakan shampoo ke seluruh bagian rambut dan kulit kepala.
  4. Pijat lembut kulit kepala selama beberapa menit.
  5. Bilas rambut hingga bersih dengan air hangat.
  6. Gunakan kondisioner jika diinginkan.

Review Sebamed Everyday Shampoo

Sebamed Everyday Shampoo has gained popularity among Indonesian users for its gentle and effective cleansing properties. Many users praise its ability to cleanse the scalp and hair without causing irritation, making it suitable for daily use. The pH-balanced formula is also a standout feature, as it helps maintain the natural protective layer of the scalp. Some users have mentioned that the shampoo helps to control dandruff and soothe sensitive scalps, which has contributed to its positive reputation. Additionally, the product's fragrance is well-received, providing a pleasant and refreshing experience during each use. On the downside, a few users have expressed concerns about the price point of Sebamed Everyday Shampoo, noting that it is relatively higher compared to other options in the market. There have also been occasional comments about the packaging, with some users preferring a more user-friendly design. Overall, Sebamed Everyday Shampoo receives high praise for its gentle cleansing, pH-balanced formula, and effectiveness in addressing dandruff and scalp sensitivity. However, some users feel that the price could be more competitive, and there are preferences for improvements in the packaging.

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