Review Ingredient Chamomilla Recutita Flower Oil

Fungsi Bahan:Pelembut,

Nama Lain: GermanChamomileFlowerOil

Deskripsi:chamomilla recutita flower oil is the volatile oil distilled from the dried flower heads of the matricaria recutita, syn. chamomilla recutita (l.), compositae

Informasi Resmi CosIng


masking, skin conditioning

Nomor CAS


Nomor EC


Nama Farmakope Eropa


Unsur Kimia


CosIng (Cosmetics Ingredients) adalah database bahan kosmetik Uni Eropa yang memberikan informasi terkait fungsionalitas dan batasan penggunaan bahan dalam produk kosmetik.

Detail Ingredient Chamomilla Recutita Flower Oil

The essential oil coming from the German Chamomile. It's loaded with the famous anti-inflammatory agent, bisabolol (approx. 50%) and contains 5% of soothing, antiallergic and blue color giving chamazulene. It also contains about 120 other things, including 28 terpenoids and 36 flavonoids (including some antioxidants like quercetin).

As for skincare, the essential oil is used mainly for it's anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

Bukti Ilmiah Ingredient Chamomilla Recutita Flower Oil

Mol Med Report. 2010 Nov 1; 3(6): 895–901., Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future

Produk Dengan Ingredient Chamomilla Recutita Flower Oil