Review Ingredient Benzophenone-5

Fungsi Bahan:Tabir surya,

Nama Lain: SodiumSulisobenzone

Informasi Resmi CosIng


uv absorber, uv filter

Nomor CAS


Nomor EC


Nama Farmakope Eropa


Unsur Kimia

Benzenesulfonic Acid, 5-Benzoyl-4-Hydroxy-2-Methoxy-, Monosodium Salt

CosIng (Cosmetics Ingredients) adalah database bahan kosmetik Uni Eropa yang memberikan informasi terkait fungsionalitas dan batasan penggunaan bahan dalam produk kosmetik.

Detail Ingredient Benzophenone-5

Benzophenone-5 is the sodium salt brother of Benzophenone-4, and just like that guy, this one also works mainly as a photoprotectant to extend product shelf life, or as a color-protectant for products in clear packages.

Produk Dengan Ingredient Benzophenone-5