Review Ingredient Allium Cepa Bulb Extract

Fungsi Bahan:Anti Bakteri,

Nama Lain: OnionBulbExtract

Deskripsi:allium cepa bulb extract is an extract of the bulbs of the onion, allium cepa l., liliaceae

Informasi Resmi CosIng


skin conditioning

Nomor CAS


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Nama Farmakope Eropa


Unsur Kimia


CosIng (Cosmetics Ingredients) adalah database bahan kosmetik Uni Eropa yang memberikan informasi terkait fungsionalitas dan batasan penggunaan bahan dalam produk kosmetik.

Detail Ingredient Allium Cepa Bulb Extract

You probably meet this guy more often in your kitchen than in the bathroom, but yes, onion extract is also used as a skincare ingredient. Its major skin benefit seems to be that it can improve the cosmetic appearance of postsurgical scars (there is also a scar-fading gel called Mederma, that has hardly anything else in it but onion extract).

We also saw some manufacturer claims that onion is not only a scar healer, but it has also antibacterial and antifungal activity, it can help to reduce acne and stimulate hair growth.

Bukti Ilmiah Ingredient Allium Cepa Bulb Extract

Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, Draelos, Zoe Diana, Volume 7 (2) - Jun 1, 2008, The ability of onion extract gel to improve the cosmetic appearance of postsurgical scars

Draelos, Zoe D., Leslie Baumann, and Alan B. Fleischer. \A new proprietary onion extract gel improves the appearance of new scars: a randomized, controlled, blinded-investigator study.\ The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology 5.6 (2012): 18.

Produk Dengan Ingredient Allium Cepa Bulb Extract